Dynamite Baits

14 July, 2023 | Carp | Angler Blogs | Articles


Jake Waterman: My First UK 50 from Deeping Lakes

The story behind Jake Waterman’s capture of his first UK 50lb carp which was banked at Deeping Lakes. The 2021/22 SAS winner has undergone an extensive pre-baiting campaign on the water after securing his syndicate ticket but never imagined he’d be holding one of the lake’s target fish within such a short period of time…

Jake says…

The Dream to Join the 50’s Club


I found myself at a very loose end when unexpectedly catching my target fish from my water at the time and continued to search for my next target. And yes, I love a target fish and I just embrace it these days!

I then stumbled across Deeping Lakes just outside of Peterborough which consists of three lakes, all of which have different stock and ability levels. I then discovered that the main lake (Deeping 1) held fish over the magical 50lb barrier and my sights were set right in that moment.

I have always wanted to join the 50lb club as I call it and this was an opportunity to do so but not without some pain in the short term. In order to fish the main lake, every member is required to complete a year on the second lake (Deeping 2) and despite my pleas to go straight onto the main lake, off I went to start my ticket.

Having a target fish is a big factor in my angling and after four nights I successfully caught the lake’s largest resident – “The Big Lin” at 35lb. I then went on fluttering around lakes until the day came when I got the message to say I had been successful in securing the Deeping 1 main lake ticket.

The Big Lin at 35lb. A great warm up for the Main Lake!

To say I was excited was an understatement and I patiently waited for the lake season to end before the month close period for spawning commenced. During this time you were permitted to do as much baiting and preparation as possible which was music to my ears as I love a good old baiting campaign prior to a lake reopening.

I soon worked out that a particular corner of the lake didn’t really get fished after looking through the log book that every member is required to complete with captures. It’s something I have really enjoyed over the years – selecting swims on these busy lakes that are a little out of the way and somewhere the carp may just be holding up.

For the next four weeks I carefully marked up my spots within the swim and deliberately chose times in the mid week evenings when I knew no one else would be present. I then initially started to apply particle in bulk which consisted of Dynamite Frenzied Hemp and Snails, Crushed Tigers and Hot Crab and Krill boilie crumb.

Once the spots were starting to firm up where the fish had clearly been feeding, I then started to move toward a more boilie-heavy baiting campaign again using the new Dynamite Hot Crab and Krill in 15mm. In the third week of baiting I could see the fish were clearly bunching up in my corner and one evening started fizzing on the spot as I was spodding. The time was nearing and the excitement levels were rising!

The opening day for the lake was the 1st of July with a traditional draw. Unfortunately this also is the same day as my wife’s birthday so I did the right thing and delayed my start with the agreement that I would take a couple of days holiday from work and start my session on the Wednesday.

On arrival I was greeted with an empty car park apart from one van which was someone on the opposite end of the lake, GAME ON!

Being 5.30am, I quickly and quietly barrowed round to my chosen swim and immediately was met with rolling fish all over my spots. Opting for a quiet approach, I deployed three rigs with 2oz leads onto the spots and put 5/6 boilies on each rod using a tiny little catapult.

One at a time to ensure noise and disturbance was minimal.

Before setting up a net, the first rod was away and stripped line at a scary speed. A small common burst through the surface layers and the hooked pulled free and I was left with a slack line and a devastating blow. Pulling myself together, I re-deployed my rod and sat back ensuring I actually had a net setup this time.

After just one hour a slow and steady bite on the middle rod signalled and I was determined this time to get everything right. After a short but explosive battle, I slipped a chunky common over the net cord and soon hoisted her up onto the scales to read a weight of 34lb 10oz and a new PB common.

What a fish! A new PB common and Jake’s first from the Main Lake.

I have fished lakes mainly with large mirrors so this was a welcomed result and I was over the moon. I went onto to learn that this particular fish was a well known forty but had clearly had a very good spawn but I wasn’t complaining. First fish under the belt on the new lake and a 30 to boot!

I then went onto to catch another 7 fish ranging from mid doubles to mid twenty’s.  Going into my second night I applied 2kg of Hot Crab and Krill to each spot and just before losing the light could seeing some clear feeding on one spot with a jacuzzi erupting on the surface from the feast below.

Just as I was turning in for the night at 10pm my middle rod pulled up tight. Having had some issues with some over friendly geese and swans I assumed it was them but I had to check. Upon approaching the rod I could see the bobbin jammed into the rod blank and a bow string tight line so lifted into it.

Little did I know I was about to connect with a very large resident…as it popped up on the surface fairly early on in the fight I could see it was a decent mirror but it wasn’t until I went to lift it in the sling to weigh it, was when I realised this was something special.

Being that my goal was join the 50s club and this was in the back on my mind, I hoisted it up onto the weight crook and was delighted to be met with 50lb 13oz of beautiful English mirror carp.

Deeping Lakes had well and truly delivered!

The dream becomes a reality!

I am not a man to be speechless very often but I was completely blown away.

Being that I was completely on my own now on the lake I set on to do some self takes and get her back quickly. I then went onto to call the wife to let her know and also a few close friends to share the moment.

It’s important to me to share the moment but even more that in just 36 hours I had banked 9 fish, a new personal best common and a 50lb fish. It’s a session I won’t repeat for a very long time but there is a slightly bigger mirror in the lake that I now have my sights set on so watch this space 😉

Tight Lines – JT

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