Dynamite Baits

3 July, 2019 | Match & Coarse | Videos | Tips


*VIDEO* How To Mix The Perfect Paste

Dynamite Product Development guru, Mark Baker shows you how to achieve the perfect paste for match or pleasure fishing on commercials. Mark talks about the three different types of Swim Stim pastes and demonstrates how to mix and use each one as well as explaining the differences between them. Some great tips for anyone wanting to improve their skills or try paste fishing for the first time…

In this video:

  • How to mix paste including how much water to use
  • When and how to use paste
  • The differences between ready made and paste made from groundbait

Products Used:

  1. Swim Stim Groundbait
  2. Swim Stim Extreme Paste
  3.  Swim Stim Ready Paste

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