On a journey to become the leading sustainable bait manufacturer in the world
We are continually improving our processes to become more efficient with a focus on creating a clean environment. Sustainability is at the core of Dynamite’s strategy and is considered in all decisions made from R&D to mainstream manufacture. Our strategy is focusing on concrete actions that will have measurable positive impacts on the environment.
‘Dynamite Baits has a responsibility to shareholders, employees, businesses associated and the society as well as the people who use our products.’
Better products with less carbon
We are continuously monitoring our carbon footprint to identify the most considerable sources for CO2 emissions – and have already taken concrete measures to reduce our environmental impact. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint, and ultimately aim to become a carbon neutral bait manufacturer by the end of 2027. This target has created an exciting journey for our colleagues with the focus being preserving the great outdoors that we all enjoy so much!
Water, energy… All we need is less
As part of our continuous carbon footprint monitoring, we also take a close look at our water and energy use to make sure that every product is made with minimum use of energy and water. And minimising our energy use is not the only action on the list – we also aim to increase the share of renewable sources to produce electricity. Ultimately our target is to produce our baits with 100% renewable energy. We took our first step on this journey in the beginning of 2022 as we decided to invest in solar panels to increase the share of renewable energy.
Putting waste in the right place
Production side streams can be utilised to make new exciting products. We already reuse our by-products to ensure the minimal generation of waste. By doing this alongside with other actions, we have been able to eliminate waste that ends up in landfills. We have also changed our waste carrier to ensure full re-usability of waste. We target divert all non-recyclable waste into energy supply chain by the end of 2021.
Great things come in ecological packaging
We are committed to produce high-quality products that meet the demanding requirements of anglers. To make sure that our products maintain their quality as long as possible, they need to be packed carefully in packaging that has a low environmental impact. We have changed all our hard plastic packaging to recyclable materials in 2021 – and aim to extend the use of recyclable materials to our flexible packaging. Currently, about 50% of our flexible packaging is recyclable and we aim to hit the 100% target by 2024.
On a journey together
Our mission is to become the leader in sustainability. The culture of openness, inclusion and diversity is seen as a driving force of our journey. Every individual in Dynamite’s team is equally valuable and important. Throughout its history, Dynamite Baits has been cherishing seamless teamwork, which eventually makes us stronger as a company. The team is all that matters.
We see it as essential to make sure that all Dynamite employees feel involved in our sustainability journey. This is why we are also organising sustainability themed events to bind the team together – and at the same time doing a favour to the environment. As an example, we have organised several litter picking events close to our HQ to show that we are serious about our mission. Our sustainability actions are not only limited to Dynamite – we have also arranged events to support important programs locally.

Examples of activities we have done in our community. On the left, we are litter picking near our HQ with Duncan Lennox, Joint Managing Director, and David Spence, Production Manager. We have also organised Macmillan Coffee Morning events to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support (right).
To read more about EcoChoice trademark and Rapala VMC sustainability, please visit www.rapalavmc.com/sustainability
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