Dynamite Baits

19 April, 2022 | Freidfisch | Angler Blogs | Tips | Artikel

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With Spring finally here, and the warmer weather well on its way… Cédric Soilen runs us through how he approaches his local canal for it’s resident large Chub !

This lovely Chub is testament to both the bait and tactics being perfect for today’s session!

He Says :

With the bright blue skies and crystal clear water… Being discrete is of the upmost importance in order to tempt those wary Chub ! A light setup is key, and pairing that with the correct bait choices definitely leads to more bites !

Although the carp are numerous in this canal, due to the cold evenings, they haven’t properly woken up yet. Therefore, targetting the Chub guarantees that I can get bites, and the fact they also give a good account for themselves is just another bonus ! My go to method for catching these fish is a small Hybrid feeder, topped with the Dynamite F1 Sweet 2mm pellets. Their sweet aroma and fast breakdown make them perfect for this time of year !

Preparing the pellets couldn’t be any easier… I simply cover them fully in water, and let them soak for 2 minutes. After this time, any remaining water is drained off, and once the pellets have been left to absorb for 15mins, you will have the perfect pellets for the feeder !

My hookbait of choice is a 9mm Speedy Washter. For me both the size and colour of the bait contrast perfectly with the 2mm feed pellets. I believe this is crucial in order to provoke the Chub’s natural curiosity, and due to the bouyancy of the bait, when a chub goes to eat the pellets, the hookbait gets sucked up with ease !

Click here to check out the best French Canals for Chub fishing…

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