Dynamite Baits

14 August, 2018 | Karpfen | News

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A quick look at carp fishing catches from anglers using our baits from across the globe…


Max Gosseline fished Lake St-François in Quebec and banked  a number of carp on our baits including this monster on CarpTec Banana & Pineapple boilies.

canada carp fishing on dynamite


Manuel Casagranda banked this beauty of a common using Monster Tiger Nut boilies from his local lake.

austria carp catch



A superb river fish for Jeremy Baillgt, tempted on a White Chocolate & Coconut Cream boilie

french carp fishing



Damien Mateo fished Salamanca Reservoir and had this awesome mirror fishing a Squid & Octopus pop-up mounted on a spinner rig.

spain carp fishing



The Source helped Micky Bard bank this River Rhone beauty. Micky fished a small pop-up, targeting a small river mouth on the main Rhone carrier.

river carp fishing germany


CarpTec strawberry flavoured boilies did for this long common for Donatas Puodžiulis from a wild water.

lithuania carp fishing



Manuel Bizzo fished Koiland Lake in his home country and bagged several big fish including this excellent common using our Source baits.

Manuel Bizzo italy carp fishing koiland lake


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