Dynamite Baits

4 September, 2019 | Carp | News


Spectacular Sumbar for Cuderman

Kristof Cuderman visits Croatia carp fishing hotspot and banks several big fish including a PB grass carp

kristof cuderman grass carp sumbar

Kristof’s new PB grass carp

Slovenian carp catching king Kristof Cuderman continued his run of big fish with three monsters from Croatia’s Sumbar Lake including a new PB 29.1kg grassy.

using Robin Red and Squid & Octopus boilies in combination with different Dynamite pop-ups, he banked carp of 28.kg, 26.7kg and 26.3kg in a hectic couple of days following a burst of hot weather.

He said:

“I didn’t have much luck at drawing swims. I  drew a swim that can either give great results or totally disappoint. The first few days were super humid and hot and the carp weren’t active at all, while the grass carp seemed to be throwing a feeding frenzy.

I caught at least two grass carp every day and most of them weighed more than 20 kg. The carp stayed very reserved, I only got one or two takes per day and was even left without a take from a carp for two days. By the sixth night and the following morning of day seven conditions had changed and I had an amazing few hours of fishing when the big girls turned up.”


sumbar lake carp fishing robin red catch

28.1kg and the biggest carp of the trip


cuderman squid and octopus sumbar carp

Another one of the Sumbar big guns for Kristof


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