Dynamite Baits

28 January, 2025 | Carp | Angler Blogs | Articles


Ian Russell’s December Diary 2024: Blasford Hill Beauties!

One last diary entry from Mr Russell under the Dynamite banner but like always, he delivers the goods with lots of fish to preside over from venues including Blasford Hill, Sandhurst and Willow Park! Read below to find out how his December’s carp fishing unfolded…

Blasford Hill

Ian says…

I have decided to skip past November for this diary entry as nothing of any note actually happened in my angling so onto December which, again, was  a very very busy time for me.

First up on the agenda was a return trip to Blasford Hill Lake but this time with the Dynamite film crew to make the final Carp Pursuit film that I was to be part of… more on that later.

Micheal Poulter was to be my guest this time around and my friend Jason Mooney was on camera duties along with new boy Tom Humphreys on the stills camera.

Myself and Michael arrived early as expected and were choosing swims as the guys showed up. Soon were were straight into filming the opening sequence which usually includes spinning the ‘Wheel of Fate’ but to our surprise, the guys threw us a curve ball by throwing the wheel out of the picture and handing us some of the new Dynamite worms to use in this episode!

This was awesome as in the past when I’ve used worms the results have been nothing short of amazing.

So with the bait decided, off we went to set up with Michael choosing to have the entire right hand end to himself and me the left.

Well to say this trip blew us away would be an understatement and the film is a must watch I promise you. Check out the Dynamite Baits YouTube channel for a look or tap on the link at the bottom of this page.

All in all I managed a total of 12 Blasford Carp up to just ounces under 30lb with Michael nabbing 5 carp including a right hippo! Not bad for 48-hours in December although, the weather was more spring like to be honest.


The very next day after returning home I was off to Willow Park for my Total Carp Trouble Shooter feature and this was with returning guest Andy to see how he had been getting on since our first trip out over a year ago.

We booked into pegs 8 and 9 with Andy pinging bags across to a line of bushes to his left and l decided to put out a bucket of CompleX-T pellets in an attempt to trip up a few rather than an odd one.

We both fared well to be honest and thankfully survived Storm Darrah which at one stage had both myself and Andy clinging to his almost airborne Titan Bivvy!

Again, check out Total Carp for the full story…

Now I have been stuck for a winter venue this year so a quick call to my friend Nick who owns the lovely Sandhurst Lake and I was sorted. You see some people do remember the past unlike a good few others – Thank you Nick.

During the first trip I managed a low 20 scaley mirror whilst my ole mate Nigel Sharp enjoyed a trip to remember opposite me with 11 carp to low 40’s with most of the others going 30lb-plus.

It would have been so easy to cast that bit further and catch from the back of Nigel’s area and to be fair, he suggested I did but I have always liked to create my own result so kept to my own areas.

My next trip down was just for 24-hours as it was Chrismtas Eve the next day and although I love my fishing, I love my family a whole lot more.

Early evening and whilst standing chatting with Nick the owner, I managed two takes resulting in a low 30 mirror and a scaley double mirror – Thanks for the pics mate!

There were only 2 of us on that night and the other fella (another Nick actually lol) also had a low 30. What a great lake Sandhurst is!

Morning came and Christmas called.

So my 2024 draws to an end and as a few of you may now be aware, I have accepted a job offer from another angling company so my time at Dynamite Baits, Carp Spirit and Okuma has sadly come to an end.

I have enjoyed a fantastic 5 years with the Dynamite family and personally want to thank my bosses Duncan and Daryl for giving me the chance to work alongside them and having the confidence in me to offer me the job back then. But life as they say goes on and for those of us lucky enough to earn a living from angling, lets remember it is a job at the end of the day. So new challenges in 2025 for me.

Happy and Prosperous New Year to one and all!

Ian Russell

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