Dynamite Baits

9 December, 2019 | Carp | Tips | Articles


How to tie the perfect solid pva bag

Carper Mike Tobin’s step by step guide to tying the perfect PVA solid bag

“This is my solid PVA bag approach that I quite often like to use especially during the colder months. At this time of year small amounts of feed is ideal especially when trying to pick off odd fish after locating them. Using a small size bag, I can present an amount of bait which is almost just a mouthful for a carp.

I like to use this presentation especially if I’m unsure what the bottom of the lake is like, as I can cast out confidently knowing I will be presented and fishing effectively” said Mike.


how to tie the perfect solid pva bag


How to tie Mike’s solid PVA bag

What you need

“It sounds like quite a bit of bait but all this will make up lots of bags over a winter so its worth the initial investment and each ingredient plays a key role in the presentation.”


Start by adding 2mm Betain Green and 3mm Amino Original Swim Stim pellets and mix both together, creating an equal mix of the two pellets.

betaine green pellets


mixed swimstim pellets for pva bags



Add some Frenzied Hempseed Caster Meal to the pellets. Using this is a great edge to a solid bag, especially in the colder months. Then add the same amount of Monster Tiger Nut Stick Mix. Again, another great attraction even in the coldest temperatures.

monster tiger nut stick mix to pva bags


Mix everything together so each product is evenly distributed, this is your main solid bag mix.

solid bag carp fishing mix



Open up a pva bag and slightly stretch it out to help allow everything to fit in nicely. Add a small amount of the Caster Meal to the bag. This helps protect your hook point when adding the rest of the mix.

add some frenzied caster to pva bag

starting solid pva bag



Now carefully lower your rig into the corner of the bag, gently working the hook into the Caster Meal. I like to use a wafter or pop up as a hookbait as I find it gives you the best presentation with the bag. Bear in mind to keep hold of the lead at the top of the bag to ensure your hook link is stretched out.


where to put your rig in solid pva bag



Gradually start adding your mix to the bag bit by bit, using your lead to help pack it down as you go. Remember to keep pulling your lead towards the top of the bag each time you add some of the mix.


use the lead to push down the solid bag mix


Once the bag is almost full, allow a bit of room at the top so you can twist it shut. At this stage I like I like to squeeze and compact the bag as much as possible to ensure all the empty space in the bag is filled.


pva solid bag ready to tie

twisting the top of pva bag



Wrap some pva tape around the twisted top section several times and secure with a couple of simple overhand knots. Trim the tag ends of the tape and the excess of the bag to give a neat and tidy finish.

using pva tape to seal a pva solid bag

Snip the ends of the PVA tape once tied


The next stage to finish off the bag is to stick the corners of the bag down. I do this by pinching a corner and pushing in, compacting the bait further into the bag and freeing up space in the corner.

Sticking corners down on pva bags


Now lick the pva and stick it to the outside edge of the bag and repeat on the other side. This will make the bag more aerodynamic for casting.

aerodynamic pva solid bags for casting

Once the bag dissolves in the water, your bag mix and hook bait will be presented perfectly.

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