Dynamite Baits

26 November, 2017 | Match & Coarse | Tips | Articles | News


As the first frosts start to come, the water temperature starts to fall and your catch rate will naturally slow. But, there is a tactic you can use to keep the bites coming…dobbing bread…

If you don’t know how to fish for carp dobbing bread or you want to improve your catch rate fishing for carp with bread. Read on….

Dobbing for carp is a very effective way on commercials of amassing big weights when all other baits fail. My way of fishing it is very simple as you never feed a single thing only your hookbait is required.
To dob bread, you can fish it either on the pole or the straight lead. I’ll start with the pole first.

If I’m fishing to an island or another feature, I always fish as tight up to it as possible, but I make sure the bread remains four to five-inches off the bottom. Bread is highly visual and it is the sight of it that the fish find so enticing.

dobbing bread

If I am fishing to an island or feature I fish as tight to it as possible when dobbing bread.


I will fish a bulk rig and 0.16mm or 0.18mm hooklength when I’m after carp and 0.14mm if f1s are the target. The hook is a size 14 or 16, again species specific.

My size of punch on the hook is from 6mm to 10mm. I will use thick white bread and before I punch it, I will push my finger over the bread to compress it more forming a nice flat pellet of bread. I will drop it in the water and then lightly compress it so I know it will sink when I lower the rig in. It is best to fish all the way along the far bank or feature you are fishing to and not stay in one spot or area. Another tip I use is to flavour and colour my hookbait. I do this by dipping it into Dynamite XL Strawberry Liquid, Red Krill and Liquid Scopex. I have tried others, but had most success on these three. I think it just gives you a few more fish and encourages more to have a go.


Dynamite Baits XL liquids

I flavour and colour my bread for dobbing using Dynamite XL liquids like Scopex



This method is normally immediate and can be great fun as the bites are unmissable! When fishing bread on the straight lead, this is more effective in open water or to an island or feature were carp may gather. With the straight lead, a hooklength of no more than 12-inches is used. I also ensure that I use the crust as this helps the hookbait pop-up.

I will use the same flavourings as with the pole and same size punched bread, but I will hair rig it rather than side hook it, using two or three pieces on the hair. My hooklength will be 0.18mm to a 14 hook. The bites again, as with the pole, are unmissable as the tip either pulls right round or drops back.

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