Dynamite Baits

10 June, 2019 | Match & Coarse | Anglers


Name: James Champkin

Nick Name: None

Hometown: Stoke Hammond, Milton Keynes

Occupation: Project Manager for Affinity Water

james champkin bream fishing

PB UK common: 36lb 1oz

PB UK mirror: 50lb 6oz

PB Barbel: 19lb 7oz

PB Tench: 10lb 11oz

PB Rudd: 4lb 5oz

PB Roach: 3lb 3oz

PB Pike: 26lb 5oz

PB Perch: 4lb 7oz

PB Bream: 17lb 2oz

PB Crucian: 4lb 4oz

PB Chub: 7lb 10oz

PB Grayling: 3lb 0oz

PB Eel: 5lb 3oz

Favourite boilie: The Source!

Most used rig: I use a huge variety of rigs depending on the species that I’m targeting, but it’s probably a toss-up between some form of helicopter rig and an inline bolt rig.

Favourite venue: Tring Reservoirs

Fish you would most like to catch: I would dearly love to catch a 30lb pike – preferably from a river, but I wouldn’t turn down a stillwater 30 either!

Highlight of angling career: Catching a 50lb carp off the surface in a short two-hour session – a simply ridiculous piece of angling.

Aim in angling: One of my main aims is to one day win the Drennan Cup; surely the ultimate prize in specimen angling.

Top carp angling tip: Never ignore the floaters. Despite all the articles you read these days about floater fishing, there are still very few anglers that fish effectively on the surface. The vast majority of my bigger carp have fallen to floater tactics.


james champkin big perch

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