21 január, 2017 | Carp | Hírek
0 CommentsWhat do you do when all the lakes and rivers are frozen over??…..go catch at tidal carp or two!
At least that’s what Jacob Dale and Matthew Eden did during a recent day session on a very secluded tidal stretch in southern England.
„All the lakes and canals have a lid on so we prepared this week, found a deep slow bend on a three mile stretch of tidal water, baited it for two days with CompleX-T, rocked-up today in -4 and had a bite first chuck”, explained Jacob.
„It was an absolutely brilliant day, three bites and two fish landed, all falling to Mulberry Florentine pop-ups over a scattering of CompleX-T soaked in the matching re-hydration liquid.
„The fish weighed 14lb 4oz and 17lb 2oz although the sizes were totally irrelevant, just catching one when the carp world looked out the window and went back to bed was enough. „Now to get back there and catch a bigger one!”
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