Dynamite Baits

14 március, 2017 | Match & Coarse | Hírek

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Ryan Gibson spent three days pleasure fishing with his Regimental Angling Club on St. John’s Lake at Linear Fisheries, possibly the UK’s most prolific big carp complex, only in Ryan’s case he was fishing for roach.

70 roach with one being 1lb 8oz

„I didn’t have clue what was in store for me as no one fishes these waters on the pole from what I’ve been told so approached it like I would any other natural water. „Plumbing up was hard as the deck was covered in weed, but managed to find myself a 2ft x 2ft clear bit of silt to set the single line trap at 9m (.6g Drennan AS6 on 0.11 down to Kamasan B511 on 0.07 – Preston No5 Blue).”

50/50 Silver X Roach Super Black / Frenzied Hempseed Match Black

„I started off by cupping in two balls of 50/50 Silver X Roach Super Black / Frenzied Hempseed Match Black as the water was absolutely gin clear. „I’d been pinging hemp over it all day with caster on the hook.”

„The first hour was biteless but a shoal eventually turned up. „The place is absolutely plagued with pike so been having a nightmare with them, catching fish for a spell before they get spooked and had to reset. a cormorant put an end to it at 15:30 though once he started diving through the swim.”

„I ended up with 70 roach with one being 1lb 8oz, a decent rudd and a little perch for around 13lb. „Brilliant days fishing! Not decided on how to approach tomorrow yet; All out roach, all out tench/bream on the tip, or a mixture of both!”

Ryan Gibson

Brilliant days fishing

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