Dynamite Baits

25 szeptember, 2018 | Carp | Hírek

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A report from the 2018 World Carp Classic Final

A new record fish, a winning team from outside Europe and some totally awesome catches, the 2018 World Carp Classic at Madine had it all.

Fishing in it’s 20th year, a team from New Zealand came out on top but this year’s World Carp Classic will also be remembered for the capture of several big fish including Rene Jauker’s 29.8kg mirror caught on The Crave and Source which set a new record for the competition. Now the dust has settled and the curtains drawn on another year, we look at the thrills and spills of this year’s event in numbers…

2018 World Carp Classic Final In Numbers

115 –  The number of pairs fishing

3,452.22 – The weight in pounds of all the fish caught

11 – The size in square kilometers of Lac De Madine

36 – The number of fish over 15kg caught

4 – The number of fish over 25kg

15.66 – The average weight of each fish in Kg

100 – The number of fish caught in total

29.8kg – The new WCC record fish caught by Rene Jauker

400 – The amount in kg of Dynamite boilies given away as prizes



The final leaderboard…

winning wcc 2018 new zealand team

The New Zealand Team – Winners of the 2018 WCC
























Rene’s Record

Austrian duo René and Jasmine ended their 2018 WCC campaign on a high by finishing third place overall and setting a new WCC record in the process. René’s 29.8kg monster is the biggest carp ever to be caught in a WCC event. Jasmin and René  tell their story:

Bleep bleep… It was close to 9pm when our Hd5 Receiver finally makes a noise for the first time in two days following two fish we had caught earlier in the competition. Just two short signals. We looked at each other and felt kind of shocked and thought, is it a fish or maybe just the wind, some weed or one of those many swans in our swim. Some seconds later René said: „Lets go, we have to check the rod”

Immediately I got into my waders and René jumped into his rubber boots. On the way to the rod the receiver makes some noise again – it must be a fish! What for a feeling, after two days without any run, now it was clear. Fish on!

René stepped into the boat, I took the rod and then it went on…

René said:

„We had to row nearly 300m as it wasnt possible to use the motor due to heavy weed. On the way to the fish I often had to pull the line from the weed and all the time I was just thinking to myself ‘please still be there’

Finally I reached the spot were I placed the rig, but the line went severely to the right. I tried to follow it by paddling hard but suddenly all the pressure on the rod was gone and a load of weed rose to the top. ‘Damn I had lost it I thought’! I pulled hard on the braid again from the weed when suddenly the rod was under pressure again. Yes, he is still on!!

Carefully I pumped him higher and higher and the fish came up quickly to the surface of water. Wow what for a carp, it looked huge! At the same moment when I tried to get the fish in the net a wind gust came and blew my net away. Quickly I placed the net under the water, so the fish wont get unhooked when landing and had another go at trying to net it in the wind. This time the fish moved again into weed. I paddled quickly, let him came up again on top and immediately got him in the net. Finally it was mine..

I couldn’t see the fish at first as it was covered in weed so I wasnt sure how big it was. As I unhooked the fish in the net I saw it’s big mouth for the first time and as I cleared the weed away the fish was becoming bigger and bigger. When I finally got it on the mat I just looked up to the sky and said thank you, thank you!

Our successfull rig was a simple German style rig created using products from the  Carp Spirit range, like the Re-Action braid 0,25lb and a Razor Point Medium Curve Shank Size 2. Baits were Dynamite 26mm Source in combo with a half a 26mm Crave Hardened Hookbait.

We couldn’t believe it, as the scale went over the 29kg indicator and we found out it was a new record. It was an incredible feeling which will remain forever in our memories. When the final signal sounded it was official that we have beaten the record at the 20th anniversary of the World Carp Classic for the biggest fish at 29.8kg! What a week!


wcc 2018 third place pair rene jauker and jasmine schuster

The pair with their WCC prizes




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