Dynamite Baits

2 marzo, 2018 | Carpa | Anglers

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Name: Pascale Napier

complex t caught carp

Also known as: Pascale Fleur


Age: 19


Hometown & Country: Farnborough, Hampshire


Occupation: Makeup Artist/ Landscaper


Mirror PB: 27lb 04oz


Common PB: 19lb


Other PB’s: Chub 3lb, Pike 12lb


Favourite boilie: Complex – T


Most used rig: Multi-Hinge rig


Venues fished: Church Farm, Hollybush, frimley pit 2, Basingstoke canal + many more!


Favourite venues: Deux iles (France), Basingstoke canal, Frimley


Target fish you would most like to catch: Rainbow fish in Firgrove Manor, The 20lb+ fully scaled in Pit 2


Top carp fishing tip: As long as you have good rigs and good bait in the water you’ve a good chance!


Aim in angling: To keep catching and making memories- anything else is a bonus! (I’d also love to fish Cassien one day)


Highlight of angling career: My first trip to France with Clive; I didn’t get the most or biggest Carp but I caught my first sturgeon and made amazing memories!


Other types of fishing: I love a bit of lure fishing for Pike in the winter, the casting keeps me warm! I also like float fishing in the reservoir when I go to visit my family in France, and I would love to try fly fishing one day!

Instagram: @pascalefleur


Pascale Fleur on CompleX-T 3






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