Dynamite Baits

7 agosto, 2017 | Carpa | Artículos | Novedades

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The Dynamite «Golden Ticket» is our hugely popular annual competition we’ve had the privilege to run since first getting involved in the World Carp Classic back in 2013.

With one of the hottest prizes available – a pair of tickets to compete at the WCC and bait to use at the event (worth over €2,000) it’s no surprise so many anglers enter.

For your chance to win this fantastic prize click here: Win Dynamite 2017 WCC Tickets & €750 bait

Catching up with last years winner

We recently caught up with our 2016 competition winner, Samo Krenker, for a quick Q&A…

Name: Samo Krenker

Country: Slovenia

PB common: 23,8kg

PB mirror:21,4kg

1 of Samo’s 3 photo’s entered in last year competition

  1. How did you feel when you found out you’d won the Dynamite “Golden Ticket” to compete at last year’s WCC?

I was just checking-up on the news on Facebook as I do everyday and I saw that I had a bunch of new notifications. When I checked them and saw that I was the winner of the Golden Ticket I just started screaming like crazy! I couldn’t believe what had just happened and I was literally speechless! I’ve signed-up for so many things and I didn’t at all expect to be the winner of anything.

  1. The ticket is for a pair – how did you decide who to take with you as your partner?

At first I didn’t even know that I could even take a partner with me… Then I called my friend Denis to see if he would come with me because he’s a good friend, a very good fisherman and he has all the necessary equipment.

Denis Zizek (left) with a WCC common

  1. How did you prepare for the WCC?

I contacted Krištof Cuderman who is a well known angler in my country and I know is part of Dynamite Baits team. I had no idea how to join such a big competition and thankfully he was really helpful and had told me all the main things so I was able to prepare.

4. How was your journey from Slovenia to the Czech Republic (2016 venue)?

The journey was incredible, full of excitement and laughs and took us approximately 5 hours. When we arrived and saw the greatness of the lake we were a bit shocked and again there was lots of excitement.

5. Can you describe the atmosphere among the anglers and WCC team?

The whole atmosphere was amazing, full of laughs and positive energy. I met many new friends and made a bunch of new contacts that are currently very helpful because I’m opening my own fishing store at the moment.

On stage for the peg draw

6. What was your highlight of the week at the WCC?

It was absolutely my first fish, 16.7kg which was amazing. Oh, and of course my first dinner and beer the first evening after a long day of preparing our camp.

7. What were the biggest challenges you faced?

First of all, the main challenge was the competition itself because it was my first one ever! During the vent I had the challenge of getting the rod out of the water after it fell from the boat! Fortunately I managed to get it out of the water with bent tent peg. Oh and also the general challenge of getting each fish out of the water because every single fish was always wrapped in thick weed three or four times.

8. Fantastically – you secured a top 10 finish from over 100 teams, what were the keys to your success?

I was just fishing like I always do. I made all the rigs the way I have always done them. I chose to fish 50m closer than all my neighbours. My way of thinking was that it is better to fish outside the range of your neighbouring competitors

Samo with a stunning common

9. What have you been up to in the last year since the WCC? Where have you been fishing and how have you got on?

I’ve been fishing mostly in Slovenia and Croatia and I caught many nice fish. The biggest was about a few months ago and that was also my PB common at 23.8kg

Samo with his PB post WCC

  1. What would you say to anyone thinking of entering this year’s Dynamite competition?

I would tell them to go for it and pursue their dreams because anything can happen after a competition like this.

  1. What tips would you give to this year’s winner?

Make sure you have enough electricity (haha), enough fishing equipment – enough ready rigs, lines etc. And fish like you’re not competing at all and stay positive all the time.


The closing date for entering this years competition is Sunday the 20th of August 2017 12:00pm

Enter here: Win Dynamite 2017 WCC Tickets & €750 bait

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