Dynamite Baits

6 August, 2020 | Uncategorised

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Name: Raphael Hillinger

Also known as: Hilli

Age: 29

Hometown & Country: Bieberbach / Austria

Occupation: Baker and Confectioner

Mirror PB: 68lb 3oz

Common PB: 59lb 5oz

Other PB’s: Bream: 7lb 5oz, Pike: 96cm

Favourite boilie: Monster Tigernut Red-Amo, CompleX-T

Most used rig: Chod Rig, Spinner-Rig

Venues fished: All kind of Austrian waters, small or big rivers, canals, ponds or big lakes.

Favourite venues: Park lakes, wild waters, river.

Target fish you would most like to catch: There’s not a special one, every fish I uncover while stalking the wild canals.

Top carp fishing tip:  Location is the key.

Aim in angling: Maximum success in short time.

Highlight of angling career:  One full-moon night in autumn 2019, when I caught my mirror PB together with my bro´s.

Countries Carp Fished: Austria

Other types of fishing: All types of fishing… I love it!

Facebook: Raphael Hillinger

Instagram: @raphaelhillinger

YouTube: Carphunter Raphael Hillinger

PB mirror 2019


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