29 März, 2017 | Karpfen | Anglers
Frank Granados has fished in Spain for carp and barbel for over 30 years. He is his own boss and has plenty of time for his fishing passion. He has travelled all over the country fishing many lakes and rivers and has caught barbel ranging from 22lb to 30lb+
Name: Frank Granados
Also Known As: Frank
Age: 42
Hometown: Jaén – Spain
Occupation: Telecommunications
PB common: 26,7Kg
PB mirror: 21,5Kg
Other PB’s: Comizo barbel 15,1Kg
Favourite boilie: The Source
Most Used Rig: Hinge Rig and Chod Rig
Venues fished: Guadiana River, Tajo River, Ebro River, Gualdalquivir River, Orellana Lake, Mequinenza Lake, Sierra Brava Lake, Fernandina Lake
Favourite venue: Guadiana River
Fish you would most like to catch: My next goal is to catch a +16kg barbel and +30kg carp
Top carp fishing tip: Observe, observe and observe more
Highlight of angling career: I caught a big one in public water in Belgium with a lot of carpers and only I had fishes. Working well the results arrive.
Aim in angling: To Enjoy the nature, the environment and above all of the fish in the company of my good friends.
Blog: http://www.supercarp.com/
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