Dynamite Baits

13 července, 2018 | Kapr | Novinky

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A quick look at Dynamite carp fishing catches from across the globe…



Vlad Pavlovici used a Mulberry & Florentine pop-up to snare this tremendous 21kg  common while fishing on Lake Tancabesti

mulberry florentine caught pop-up


South Africa

Ashlie Goddard used our White Chocolate & Coconut Creme boilies to bank several big fish from Laurentia Dam including this pristine common

south africa carp fishing



Swiss angler Mike Wipfli banked this stunning mirror using our Carptec boilies on a blow back rig.

source caught mirror 2



Thomas Santandrea used our Carptec Scopex boilies on a snowman setup on his local stillwater to land this

carptec boilies italian carp



A 13.2kg beauty for Christopher Leitinger, caught using The Source

the source boilies for carp



Dutch youngster Delano Mulder targeted the Nootdorp canal system using Monster Tiger Nut boilies and achieved a nice result in the form of this awesome common.

monster tiger nut boilies carp fishing bait



Péter Csizmazia used out CompleX-T 20mm boilies and tempted this mammoth, 33kg (72.75lb) mirror from Ecsed stillwater.

big carp caught on complex-t



Another 30kg plus beauty this time for Jacek Sweitek who used our Monster Tiger Nut boilies to tempt him from a local stillwater.

carp fishing in poland with monster tiger nut boilies


Also in Poland, Ania Jurek got in on the big carp action banking this 15kg beauty on a CompleX-T and Frenzied Tiger Nut hookbait combo fished over our Frenzied particles

frenzied tiger nut caught polish carp

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