Dynamite Baits

10 February, 2021 | Carp | Tips


Ian Russell’s ‘Go Anywhere’ Spod Mix

Legendary carp angler Ian Russell reveals his tried and tested spod mix that’s helped him bank monster carp from day-ticket venues right the way through to tricky syndicate lakes. Here’s a simple guide to how you can make it…

On heavier stocked day-ticket carp fishing venues through to tough syndicate waters, when you’re looking to draw in a few fish, spodding is a great way to get them grubbing.

It allows you to put out a handful or a few kilos of loosefeed in a tight area with speed and accuracy.

As with all things carp fishing, there are no hard and fast rules and everyone has their own favourite spod mix.

This is Ian Russell’s – the one he would take anywhere in the world with total confidence.


The ingredients used by Ian to make his simple yet highly effective Spod mix


Keeping things simple, Ian uses a few tried and tested ingredients; the first being hempseed. Hempseed is a classic base for most Spod mixes, the next is sweetcorn which gives a lovely flash of colour and all carp love corn!

Pure Crushed Hempseed and Halibut pellets are next in, then the whole mix is finished with boilie crumb, in this case it’s Ian’s favourite Monster Tiger Nut.

To finish off the mix, Ian adds Citrus Oil. This absorbs into all the crumb and other particles, providing massive amounts of attraction over long periods.

Ian reckons that Citrus Oil is a massive edge that he rarely sees any other anglers using. It will leak off for a long time and create attraction in the upper layers, pulling carp down to your baited area.


1. Start by adding a whole jar of Hemp into a bucket…


2. Followed by a tin or two of sweetcorn.


3. Next, in goes a full bag of Pure Crushed Hempseed.


4. Ian also adds a bag of 3mm Halibut Pellets


5. Finally, add a heaped scoop of boilie crumb – Monster Tiger Nut this time.

6. Give the whole mix a really good stir to combine all the flavours and particles.

7. Finish off the mix with plenty of Citrus Oil.



8. It’s ready to go!


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