Richie Leat nets an incredible 43lb specimen, five 30’s and three 20’s in a single session using Monster Tiger Nut boilies and our new Monster Tiger Pellets.
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The 43lb Scar common
Dynamite backed Richie enjoyed the session of a lifetime when he targeted his regular syndicate, The New Forest Water Park.
Feeding a mix of 5kg of chopped Monster Tiger Nut boilies, CompleX-T and Monster Tiger Nut pellets, Monster Tiger groundbait, six jars of Frienzed Hemp and a gallon of maggots all squirted in our new Evolution Oils. Richie netted the 43lb fish after slipping the net under five 30lbers including the 36lb Box Common.
The catch followed Richie’s two 40lb specimens from the same venue just a day earlier including the 41lb 8oz ‘Immaculate Common’.
The winning setup was a maggot rigged ‘D’ style with a trimmed 6mm piece of cork flossed to seven maggots and two fake maggots, fished to a silty patch next to a bank of weed.
He said; «I moved to a swim called ‘Gate’ as I seen a few show on the surface there. I had fished this spot the week before and they were showing where I baited this time. My spot was 15 half wraps and I baited with exactly the same approach as when i landed the two forties the session before. It was literally half hour before I got the first bite. The carp stayed on my spot all day. I baited after every two bites with seven spombs. 20-40 minutes after baiting up I was having double and triple takes all afternoon it was crazy fishing.»
- 30lb common
- 30lb mirror
- 30lb mirror
- 33lb 4oz
- Box Common at 36lb
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