21 августа, 2017 | Carp | Articles | News
0 CommentsI had arrived at Horton for my third trip since joining in April, the wind was picking up that day from the south west and Kingsmead 1 was fairly quiet.
After a couple of laps I decided to set up on the front of the wind fishing close in on a 100 yard snag line shared by opposing pegs. I had seen a few jumping a few pegs up and I was sure when the wind picked up they were going to get straight on it. Well that wasn’t the case and after the first night I made an early move towards the other end where there was a much better view of the main bulk of water. A couple of zigs were chucked out at random whilst watching all day waiting for them to give me a wave. I had seen a couple of shows over the other side which was in fact at the opposite corner to where I had moved from. With no confidence in the seemingly featureless peg another move was in order as close to the shows as possible.
Once around the other side there was someone fishing amongst the shows but I was happy as the peg next door was free and it was one I was familiar with. The pressures were high which suited the area, a few chucks of a lead and I was soon on a gravel spot raised 6ft higher than the usual 12ft depth. Due to the shape of the lake the wind was also pushing into the bay and my water commanded the entrance, so any carp drifting in had to come across the spot. No time was wasted getting the rods in position with half a dozen Spombs consisting of Dynamite Chilli Hemp, 15mm Monster Tigernut and 15mm Red-Amo boilies.
Confidence was high and it was only a matter of time before the first bite came, given that the shows were getting closer and closer. Around 1.20am I was awoken by an almighty take, line peeling from the spool at speed. As I approached my rod the line went slack, bobbing hitting the floor, I knew something wasn’t right. After lifting into into the rod it was clear the line had been parted, most likely on the top of the bar. Gutted I burrowed back in the brolly, spliced a leadcore, tied another faithful reverse combi rig mounting a 15mm Monster Tigernut pop-up on and re-chucked the rod.
Still getting my head around what had just happened and the gut wrenching feeling of causing a fish to trail a rig I stayed up and tied a few more rigs ready just in case. An hour went by and the same rod was away again, this time I was on the rod quick and everything was going to plan. The rod tips were raised higher and drags tightened after the palaver of the first bite so the line picked up away from the gravel much sooner. After a hard battle getting weeded up a couple times and the fish kiting to the right I had done it, my first Horton complex carp and a mirror weighing in at 34lb 12oz. Finally I felt redemption and certainly a weight off my shoulders!
Bouncing with joy the rod was re-positioned in what seemed like record time. Sitting up again just smiling with my achievement it was clear I wasn’t getting any sleep anytime soon. Again an hour went by and the bobbing twitched up and down, not a bream surely, carp were leaping all over the spot and somehow I managed to hook what must have been the only bream down there. The rod was back out and the spot was topped up with a few extra Spombs.
A couple hours later and the other rod was away this time, another melting take which made me realise that in all my excitement earlier on I had only tightened the drag on the other rod. I lifted into it and tightened the drag immediately but as a result was flat rodded and the reel forced to give line. Before anything could be done it parted for a second time. I couldn’t believe it the same mishap twice, all the same gut wrenching feelings came back, head down I slowly got the rod ready, back in position and drag tightened. Before I could sit down the other rod was away, desperate to overcome the issues I wasted no time bullying the fish away from the gravel, luckily this one was smaller and had no choice but to play ball. A short battle later and there was a lovely 27lb mirror in the net and ready for pictures. Rod back out and no one awake for pics I struggled with self takes trying to hold a fish, frame the picture and push a remote button all at the same time after an hours sleep.
Just as the second fish was returned the buzzer sounded again, my 5th bite of the morning in such a short space of time, a 32lb 8oz mirror and I was happy again.
Things had quietened down with shows and activity on the spot so I topped it up once again and had a bite to eat. Early afternoon came round and once again I was into another powerful fish just taking line, legs shaking I was hoping that this one wouldn’t cut me off again but thankfully this wasn’t the case. About 20 yards out I saw a large tail flick on the surface making my already pounding heart race, once in close it managed to dive weeding me up solid. It took a while to get her to budge but once she did it wasn’t long after before slipping the net under a spawned out huge framed 33lb 8oz mirror which to be fair I was sure was bigger.
The rest of the afternoon and evening was quiet but at 10pm the right hand rod burst into life, the fish was only on for a couple minutes before dropping off to what I can only imagine was a poor hook hold in their soft mouths during this time of the year. Nothing else prevailed through the final night, they had moved away and turned up on top of my close friend Robbie D fishing across the other side. He managed four that morning after two the previous morning. We couldn’t of asked for more especially after both having a terrible start, Robbie forgetting his bait and myself forgetting my end tackle, after a friendly trade we both managed to get fishing.
Ross Ryder
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