24 februari, 2017 | Carp | News
0 CommentsSo here’s the result of Tel’s morning wake up call yesterday. As most of us were heading for our daily commute at 8am to face Storm Doris, Terry was woken by just a single bleep at 8am on his middle rod…
Still half asleep a couple more bleeps and the boots were on, with line starting to steadily click from the clutch Terry had no idea at this point that this could be the fish that eluded him since starting his campaign in late 2015!
“Closer to the bank though I had that feeling …it could just be! Trying not to think about it only made it worse – a dark scaley back broke the surface, followed by the loudest tail slap and my knees had gone! “No messing around with the chesties – I was in waist deep! – a lot of headshaking, thrashing around and a couple of heart stopping moments later and he was in the net! “Yes Yes finally my wait was over.”
“Absolutely buzzing is an understatement! now it’s time to look forward to a bit of piking next Tuesday before carping again at the end of the week! Have a good’un”
A double shaved Monster Tiger Nut over a scattering of Frenzied maize, hemp and corn was the successful bait – Congrats Tel!
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