Dynamite Baits

7 juni, 2017 | Carp | News

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After a hard days graft all I wanted to do was get myself to the lake! Luckily last Friday I was travelling back from work early so I was hoping to find some fish and get on them. Everything was already loaded in the car so I shot straight down ready for my usual two nights.

Unfortunately, on arriving at the lake the fish were spawning in the shallows so I opted to leave them to it and fish another venue. Typically I got stuck in traffic on the way there! When I finally got there I did a lap of lake and couldn’t find any spawning activity. I did another lap and I found some fish tucked away down the shallower end of the lake. Ideal!! Instead of going straight round and cast on top of them I opted to waited until the sun started to fall and then I made my move.

I cast two hinge rigs with the Source and CompleX-T pop-ups to an area where I had seen some fish roll, then I baited with around half a kilo of 15mm Source and CompleX-T boilies. With the third rod I decided to use a solid bag filled with crushed boilies and with a sneaky little CompleX-T dumbell hidden away inside!

Lovely 17lb common

I saw a few more fish roll that night and went to sleep feeling really confidant. Nothing happened during the night but at 5:00am the solid bag rod was I’m melt down mode!!  This fish put up a decent account for itself but a lovely common of 17lb popped up for my landing net! I was just about to hoist the fish out of the water to unhook it when I saw a fish show around 20 yards out. I quickly wound my left rod in and chucked it just to the right of where the fish jumped then baited with twenty or so mixed CompleX-T and the Source 15mm. By the time I had sunk the line and put the bobbin on the rod was away! Unreal! A quick scrap and in the net it went! The biggest one of the morning at 20lb 6oz.

Once I’d had that short morning feeding spell nothing else showed and no other bites were to happen but I was more then happy with my results! Soon after I packed up and went home to make the most of the sunny weather we were having!

Ashley James

Biggest of the morning at 20lb 6oz

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