Dynamite Baits

18 april, 2018 | Carp | Anglers | Professional

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Name: Tania Williams

Age: 47tania williams carp angler

Hometown: Harlow, Essex

Occupation: Operations Manager

PB Mirror: 28lb 12oz

PB Common: 24lb

Other PB’s: 53lb 4oz French fish

Favourite Boilie: CompleX-T

Favourite Rig: Ronnie

Venues Fished: Myths Pool, Orchid Lakes, Linear Fisheries, Lynch Hill, Black Lagoon


Target fish:  Catch more consistently and up my PB’s

Top carp fishing tip: The PVA bag is always a winner when scratching for bites in hard conditions

Aim in angling: To fish more regularly and remain a Dynamite team member

Career Highlight: Being chosen to fish for England

Other types of fishing: Sea and river fishing

Facebook: Tania Williams

Instagram: @Tanterliser

What she says:

I joined the Carp Team England Ladies team early 2016 but I have been fishing for over 30years.

I pride myself on a tactical approach in my angling. I’m a real carping fanatic and always fish with passion and a smile. One day I will be targeting bigger fish using boilie tactics to deter the bream and tench but the next I love nothing more than stalking the margins for a quick bite. I will go out of my way to chat to all anglers of any ability to gain or share knowledge of the water & baiting tactics.

I have recently joined Myths Pool near Brentwood, but my hunger is to fish different venues, fishing at least 2/3 times a month. Hope to see you on the bank….

Why Dynamite? – Being part of the Dynamite team means I can utilize their innovative thinking and use their products to up my catch rate. I use a variety of baiting methods and with their array of products and quality of brand means more choice.

Favourite Dynamite product? – At the moment its Complex-T Fluro Pop Ups as my last 4 / 5 captures have all been on a 15mm in a PVA pellet bag. But having used their products for many years the choice is endless and evolves year on year.

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