Dynamite Baits

2 oktober, 2024 | Carp | Anglers

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Name: Carlos Polo

Age: 40

Hometown & Country: Barcelona, España.

Occupation: Town Hall Brigade

Mirror PB: 28.400kg

Common PB: 24.100kg

Other PB’s: Sturgeon trasmontanus 30kg

Favourite Boilie: Monster Tiger Nut

Most Used Rig: Blowback rig

Venues fished: Big lakes in countries such as Italy, France and Spain.

Favourite venues: Lac de la foret d’orient (France)

Target fish you would most like to catch: Carp over 35kg I want to get a Full scaled over 25kg.

MTop Carp Fishing Tip: Fishing to weed or trees with a very discreet bait.

Aim in angling: Keep traveling and discover unique places and beautiful fish.

Highlight of angling career: For years I have managed a carp fishing shop in Spain. My participation in the WCC Bolsena 2012.

Other types of fishing: Spinning

Instagram: @polo_carp_angler

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