Dynamite Baits

7 oktober, 2021 | Carp | Articles | News

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Around the World in 80 Seconds – September

A short review of carp fishing catches from anglers using our baits across the globe…

Here’s some of the best Dynamite catches recorded across the globe during the month of September:


Benjamin Lautrey landed this CHUNK of a mirror carp on one of the last CompleX-T boilies in the bag! During the first half of his session he’d not had so much as a bleep on his alarms but following the arrival of a strong southern wind, he decided to move into the face of it where he discovered a number of huge carp swirling just a foot from the bank! Over the next 24 hours he landed a string of carp with this fine mirror proving to be the largest…

Ludovic Gourlin’s 2 week trip to a dam lake in Auvergne didn’t exactly go to plan at first but after moving swims three times he finally found some fish! All in all he managed 12 with this incredible mirror carp proving to be the biggest. It took a 26mm Source hookbait mounted on a rig made from 35lb Carp Spirit Combi-Soft hooklink and a size 2 Razor Point Medium Curve Shank Hook.


In September, Dutch Team Member Coen Ursem paid a visit to France’s Lake Villedon and ended up leaving with a new PB mirror carp weighing 29.2kg and a PB common at 26.5kg! Both came to CompleX-T wafters fished over a scattering of matching boilies…


Spanish team member Brian Gonzalez made the trip over to a French Lake with two friends in hope of landing a few carp but ended up enjoying a proper red-letter session with landed 140 carp landed between them! This stunning koi carp for Brian was by far the best fish for the trio and it fell to a Sweet Tiger & Corn boilie.


To view more French catches, check out our Dynamite Baits France Facebook page, here.


Claudia has been a busy bee this year but she managed to find time to fish a local public lake and bank this chunky common on a Hot Fish & GLM snowman rig!


Finnish carper Heikki with a stunning pair of carp weighing 30lb (mirror) and 28lb! Targeting a big public water in Tampere, Heikke found a clear area in a massive weed bed and fished pre-soaked 26mm Hot Fish GLM boilies amongst some matching freebies to try and tempt a bite. Following a cold, quiet night, both bites came in quick succession…




With his best mate Srecko, Kristof Cuderman spent five days fishing a Slovenian gravel pit in September and between them they banked six incredible carp over the 25kg barrier! Snowman rigs made from Source Hard Hookbaits and Tutti-Frutti/Pineapple & Banana Fluro hookbaits alongside 15mm wafters helped keep the bites coming, whilst baiting up with a mixture of particles, pellets and mixed-sized Source boilies ensured the carp were grubbing around in their swims. Keep an eye out on our website for the full report of Kristof and Srecko’s session which will be landing soon…




When the carp’s eyes are (nearly) bigger than its belly! Spanish team member Carlitos Mateo banked this beastly boggle-eyed common of 22kg on a Mulberry pop-up. He used a Ronnie Rig with a size 6 Carp Spirit V-Curve Razor Point hook.


A few pieces of fake plastic corn soaked in the Red-Amo hookbait dip helped Angel Bonal bank this lovely 15kg mirror from a very low-stocked lake in Spain. The Spaniard first introduced a bed of Frenzied Hemp and Chopped Tigers before casting his rig over the top.

To view more Spanish catches, check out our Dynamite Baits Spain Facebook page, here.


The largest carp from Gary Burton’s campaign on Horton Church Lake this year turned out to be this 48lb 6oz beauty. She fell to balanced Tiger Nuts fished over a small amount of Frenzied Hemp, Chopped Tigers and sweetcorn.

Normally ghost/koi carp are the first to jump on the bait but the specimen in Kaden McCarthy’s lake had only seen the bank twice in the last three years. It finally gave up the ghost during Kaden’s Latest session however when it picked up his 12mm Hit N Run pop-up over a bed of Frenzied Hemp, corn and CompleX-T boilies! What a stunner!





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