Dynamite Baits

1 september, 2017 | Match & Coarse | Anglers

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Name: Matty Pillay

Aka: The Bison

Town: Grimsby

Job: Used tackle dealer/angling consultant

Married/single: Engaged to be married

Team: Dynamite Matrix Trentmen

Biggest weight: 301 lb

Favourite bait: Caster and Swim Stim Krill/Betaine Green, best 50/50 mix ever!

Favourite method: Any as long as I’m bagging!

Top tip: Never be afraid to attack a peg if it’s not going well “what have you got to lose”

Achievements: So so many but still haven’t got close to what I want to achieve yet!

Ultimate aim: Carrying on enjoying the sport, helping others and ultimately win all the big money events


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