Dynamite Baits

12 maart, 2017 | Match & Coarse | Anglers

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Name: Matt Fernandez

Nick Name: The Big F

Hometown: Southampton

Occupation: Precision Engineer

PB UK common: 33.2lb

PB UK mirror: 33.8lb

PB Tench: 10.3lb

PB Rudd: 3lb

PB Roach: 2.8lb

PB Perch: 4lb

PB Bream: 13lb

PB Crucian 4.2lb

PB Chub: 5lb

Favourite boilie: The Source

Most used rig: Bolt rig

Favourite venue: The River Itchen

Fish you would most like to catch: 3lb+ river roach

Highlight of angling career: Catching my first ever grayling on the river itchen with my grandfather

Aim in angling: To carry on enjoying myself and learning along the way and challenging myself each year to catch my intended targets and hopefully inspire young angler’s to vary their angling to catch various species.

Top carp angling tip: Location, always use your eyes and watch the water what ever species your fishing for.




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