Dynamite Baits

26 mei, 2017 | Match & Coarse | Anglers

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Name: Grant Albutt

Also known as: Silevrback

Age: 45

Town: Halesowen

Favourite venues: Barston, Whiteacres, Larford, Bolingy and many more

Occupation: Angling Coach

Married/single: Married

Team: Daiwa Dorking

Biggest Match Weight: 325lb

Favourite bait: Meat/Hemp

Favourite method: Long pole shallow

Top angling tip: Keep it simple, don’t over feed and never give up!

Achievements: Too many to list but they all mean lots to me for different reasons

Aim in angling: To continue to be the best I can and get in that Fish’O Mania final one day, and to always help others

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