Dynamite Baits

29 maart, 2017 | Carp | Anglers

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During my 27 years as an angler I have had the pleasure of practising various fishing methods; spinning, fly fishing, surf-casting and game fishing. I have also been able to catch large tuna and predators in Spanish coastal waters. I have visited glorious and wild places, like the Amazon river, with many great catches and have also fished in other countries like Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Canada and France. The practice of fishing is wonderful, but what’s certain to me is that carp fishing has that special magic, with its very own philosophy – simply a philosophy of life. I suspect that so many of the concerns of mankind today are equally as unimportant as each other and are not nearly so much fun as fishing/carp fishing.

Thanks Dad for showing me the way to happiness…

Name: Eduardo Zancada

Also Known As: Zancada

Age: 34

Hometown: Madrid

Occupation: Lawyer, angling writer.

PB common: 28kg/61lb

PB mirror: 22.5kg/50lb

Other PB’s: Comizo Barbel 15kg/33lb. Catfish: 80kg/176lb. Sturgeon baeri: 34kg/75lb

Favourite boilie: Robin Red 20mm

Most used rig: KD-RIG

Venues fished: Too many to list

Favourite venue: All the free waters in Spain, rivers and big lakes

Fish you would most like to catch: Comizo barbel 18kg +

Top carp fishing tip: Be innovative and try to think like a fish

Highlight of angling career: A dream come true and personal satisfaction of be tester of  Dynamite products, one of the most prestigious, powerful and oldest brands in the carp fishing market in the world, an undeniable fact!

Aim in angling: To be close to nature and to enjoy it, never forgetting that we are part of it and where we come from



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