Dynamite Baits

29 maart, 2017 | Carp | Anglers

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David Chalons is an ultra-motivated carp angler spending all his free time by the water’s edge. His extensive fishing experience and in-depth knowledge of bait have brought him some impressive results.

Name: David Chalons

Age: 38

Occupation: Chef

PB mirror carp: 73lb 92oz

PB common carp: 48lb 62oz

PB catfish: 123lb 2oz/1.80m

Favourite boilies: The Source, Marine Halibut, Monster Tiger Nut Red-Amo. Fluro Pop-ups (Butyric-C, Robin Red, Red-Amo)

Most used rig: Hinge stiff rig and Fluorocarbon D-Rig with a Snowman

Venues fished: A lot of French lakes, rivers and canals (all sizes)

Favourite venue: Rivers – Saône & Yonne, public lakes – Villeneuve sur Yonne & Nord Picardie, private lakes – Ile Cube, La Tombe, Les Thomery’s et le Prunet

Aim in angling:  To continue sharing experiences with all anglers (carp, predator, match) to improve my knowledge of baits, approaches, rigs and venues

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.chalons.9?fref=ts

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/david_chalons/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chalonsdavid



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