Dynamite Baits

29 janvier, 2018 | Carpe | Conseils | Articles | Actualités

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Carper Craig McEvoy has been enjoying  ‘his best season ever’ after discovering a bait trick which has helped him record some of his best ever captures from the renowned RH Fisheries complex, Monument Lakes…..

Craig’s recent captures include the magnificent ‘Half Lin’ at over 33lb from Monument 1 and numerous other specimens to 30lb plus and he’s caught them all using a little trick with our Monster Tiger Red Amo liquid that anyone can follow…

Craig McEvoy half lin monument carp

The magnificent Half Lin at 33lb 14oz from Monument 1, caught on RAM


Craig continues:

« At RH Fisheries you have to use the fisheries bait. However one of the biggest edges I have employed is to use copious amounts of the Red Amo liquid to my feed and fished a bright white or pink Red Amo pop up over the top. I landed fish up to 36lb-plus this summer on this method, from day ticket lakes that anyone can fish. As winter arrived, maggot season begun so I came up with an idea of incorporating the same liquid and matching boilies without breaking RH rules.



I booked myself a 36hr session on Monument 2 in November and I had a cunning plan. I purchased a gallon of maggots and asked the tackle shop not to put any Maize meal or sawdust in with the maggots. Instead I added a kilo of Dynamites Monster Tigernut boilies that had been blended to a dust. This would act the same as the maize meal but with added attraction. To this I added a big glug of the Red Ammo liquid and there I had the most awesome smelling maggots ever! My secret weapon RAM (RED AMO MAGGOTS) was born. I fished it with a D rig with maggots on a small piece of foam (see below) casting around with PVA bags of the flavoured maggots regularly in search of fish before spodding out around 10 spods of the mix into a likely area for the night.

The results? Well it went off in style with double runs and the quality of fish was unreal! I had 19 fish in 36hrs including 8 x 20’s to 29lb plus and a lovely 30lb common!



Returning to Monument later in the winter I found snow on the ground and the lake had partially frozen over. Time to see if the RAM method could really prove its worth…

I had a 28lb 3oz fish which I had to jump in icy water to land as the lake had frozen over again in the night and I had to get in the water to break the ice so I could land her. This was followed by a 32lb 9oz specimen using the same tactics. What a brace!


A 32lb 9oz specimen caught on Red Amo from Monument 1



What you need:
  1. 1kg of Monster Tiger Red-Amo boilies
  2. A bottle of Red-Amo Liquid Attractant
  3. PVA
  4. Maggots




Craig’s rig is a D rig with mag aligner.


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