Dynamite Baits

Marine Halibut Stick Mix

About the Product

Available with the same flavours as other products in the Marine Halibut range is this ready to use  active Stick Mix.

Ready to use straight from the bag and is totally PVA friendly, if you need to dampen it slightly simply add some Marine Halibut Liquid Attractant or other oil based liquid of your choice for the crumb to remain totally PVA friendly.

It is packed full of all the  Marine Halibut attractants and additives including crushed /crumbed pellets and boilies to maximise flavour and particle release, perfectly complementing the rest of the range. 

The Range

Shelf life boilies10mm, 15mm, 20mm                 –  1kg

– Pop-ups  – 15mm
– Liquid attractant                                                            –  250ml
– Bait dip                                                                              –  200ml
– Pellets in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10mm                                           –  900g
– Pre-drilled pellets in 14, 16, 21mm                         –  900g

– Pre-drilled pellets in 8, 14, 21mm                           –  350g

– Hook pellets in 22mm and 30mm

– Yellow Fluro pop-up pellets in 22mm

– Groundbait                                                                      –  1kg

– Marine Halibut Method Mix                                     –  2kg
– Stick Mix                                                                           –  1kg

– Ready to use paste

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